Access to self development and economic empowerment

TAI starts where many other stops, addressing the root-cause of poverty and exclusion: lack of opportunity.

We challenge the narrative of persons with disabilities as a powerless burden to society.

We offer them opportunities in the path towards self-reliance, economic empowerment, inclusion.

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Vocational Training

In Africa persons with disabilities of working age often have no marketable skills.

We provide to our beneficiaries Vocational Training in certified centres, leading to their increased employability. We ensure that our Training offer is in line with market demand by identifying together with employers the most needed skills for available jobs. We make sure that the Training offer is adjusted to the various levels of education of our beneficiaries. 

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Support to Employment

Even with professional skills, persons with disabilities in Africa are often subject to barriers in accessing formal employment due to their stereotyped image (and self-image) as weak and unfit to work.

Together with our partners, we make sure that professional skills developed in trainings translate into jobs: we support our beneficiaries in their job search with coaching on CV writing, interview techniques, and soft skills development. In addition, we train employers on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the workforce and we actively pursue their job outplacement in the companies in our network. 

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Self Employment & Micro Credit

We invest in persons with disabilities - especially young adults - with entrepreneurial talent who want to set-up an income generating activity.
Together with our partners, we train them in financial management; we coach them in planning and setting up their MicroEnterprise; and we enable them to access business microcredit.

This all results in a positive loop of financial inclusion - building credit history and thus enabling further access to capital for sustaining, and even growing, business activity. 

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Schooling & Inclusion

Besides developing professional skills for future economic self-reliance, school attendance is a fundamental pillar for nurturing children’s self-confidence and social skills.

Access for children with disabilities to the public education system does not happen in a vacuum, and requires deep understanding and commitment by all involved stakeholders. We want to work with administrators, teachers, parents, schoolmates and the community to train and engage them in creating an environment ready to welcome and support children with disabilities at school.

Are you an Organization implementing Development Programs?

Adopting TAI assistive devices in your Programs enables the inclusion of persons with disabilities within your beneficiaries

partner with us

Are you a NGO working on education, training, and livelihood in East Africa ?

Partner with us in offering to persons with disabilities end-to-end solution empowering them out of poverty and exclusion.

partner with us


Disability should not mean poverty and exclusion. We rely on your support to continue implementing our Livelihood and Inclusion Programs and providing our Mobility, Productivity, Working Devices to the people who need them most.

Join our journey, together we can make it possible.

to donate a SafariSeat

to donate a SafariShop


Disability should not mean poverty and exclusion. We rely on your support to continue implementing our Livelihood and Inclusion Programs and providing our Mobility, Productivity, Working Devices to the people who need them most.

Join our journey, together we can make it possible.

to donate a SafariSeat

to donate a SafariSeat